Monday, March 30, 2009

Is Fight Club Worth Fighting For?

In the movie, Fight Club, there is obviously a lot going on.  Not until the end of the movie does the audience come to find out that Tyler Durden is actually Edward Norton's character, he is just the fearless, confident, basically everything "Edward" is not version of himself.  Early in the movie Edward was a timid and lifeless man living only for his possessions but as the movie went on a second side of him started to show (albeit in a split personality, alterego form) in Tyler Durden.  He is everything Edward wishes he could be.  Violence became a main issue in this movie, Tyler started an all out fight club, which slowly branched out into different cities until the entire country was involved in the underlying motive for the fight club which was Project Mayhem.  He used the glamour and masculinity of a fight club in order to gather people for a cause that was seemingly helpful and good.  They basically used this violence to get to a deeper level and manipulate the members into joining a now cult-like club.  I completely agree with this portrayal, as many different societies and communities have used violence for a more underlying issue.  Although it is usually unnecessary, in this case it made perfect sense to use something as violent as a fight club in order to rally the troops and create something larger than anyone ever intended to create.